Uniting our voices to dare the path of the future!
We are excited to announce that the 11th World Hearing Voices Congress will take place between 11 and 13 November 2019 in Montréal, Canada.
The event is hosted by REVquébécoise and L’Association québécoise pour la réadaptation psychosociale (AQRP) as part of it’s 19th congress.
As part of the 19th Conference, in collaboration with the REV Québécois (Quebec Hearing Voices Network), the AQRP will host the 11th Congress of the World Hearing Voices Network (Intervoice), a first in Quebec!
Note: The following is information from the organisers. Please email: [email protected] or view the congress website: aqrp-sm.org/colloque-2019
November 11, 2019, Intervoice Day: McGill residences, Montreal
During this day, we invite people who hear voices or live with other types of sensorial experiences, those that support them and those interested to get familiar with this reality, to meet for mutual enrichment. This will be a wonderful opportunity to share with actors from here and elsewhere.
In the evening
A general public projection of the documentary Histoires de voix; paroles d’entendeurs (Voice histories; hearers speech), a portrait of the Quebec network, will take place.
November 12 and 13, 2019, interactive workshops: Bonaventure Hotel, Montreal
This conference is a unique occasion for each one to express their own lived experience, and their knowledge, whether experiential or theoretical, in a climate of openness, listening and respect. Add your color by submitting to us your proposals of exchanges, workshops or training presenting approaches, projects, individual or group experiences, or preoccupations in line with the themes identified below.
- Inspiring approaches: How can we change the relationship with voices? How to recover despite the persistence of voices and better live with them? What are the non-oppressive, inspiring approaches that can lead us ahead in terms of recovery and social inclusion?
- Diversity, rights and alternatives: Hearing voices is by itself a human phenomenon as diversified as human nature can be. How can we adapt practices to take into account the rights, the diversity and needs of each one? What is the place given to alternative approaches and how do we sustain their development and their accessibility?
- Spirituality: How is spirituality addressed? How can we give it the right place in daily life and in voice hearers groups? And what about cultural diversity including first nations perspectives?
- Empowerment of voice-hearers and the network: How to fight prejudices related to the voice hearing phenomenon? How to get free, take one’s place and fully benefit from one’s citizenship? How can we support the full growth of the international voice hearing network and link with other social networks?
The major opening and closing activities will be available in French and English. Moreover, some workshops will also offer a simultaneous translation. The hosts cannot however guarantee to offer a simultaneous translation for all workshops that will be retained in one or the other language.
Contact The Organisers:
Sandrine Rousseau, Coordinator of the 19th Conference, AQRP
Tel: 418 523-4190, ext. 213
2380, av. du Mont-Thabor, #205, Québec, QC, Canada, G1J 3W7
Email: [email protected]
19th Conference and 11th Intervoice Congress Website: aqrp-sm.org/colloque-2019