Thursday 3 November (online), 13h – 20h GMT (UK time)
Each year the World Hearing Voices Congress is preceded by ‘Intervoice Day’ – an opportunity for members of the International Hearing Voices Movement to come together, share experiences and hear about new initiatives around the world.
Organised by the Intervoice Board, the day consists of speakers, open space discussions about topics decided by attendees and the chance to share what is happening in Hearing Voices Networks across the globe.
This year, whilst the Congress itself is taking place in Brazil, Intervoice Day itself will be taking place online. It is free to attendees.
We ask that all attendees read and do their best to keep to our Intervoice Community Agreement
We hope you will consider joining us.
Please register at:
All times are shown in GMT
13h Opening by Kellie Stastny and Marius Romme
13h30 The Brazilian Situation for Voice Hearers – Sabrina
14h Keynote – Jacqui Dillon
14h30 Break
15h Updates from National Hearing Voices Networks
16h30 Break
17h30 Open Space – an opportunity for smaller group discussions around themes agreed by attendees
19h Plenary conversation
19h45 Close