Connecting People and Ideas in the Hearing Voices Movement

Voices Echoing from Latin America

This years International Congress will be hosted by Hearing Voices Brazil.

For up to date information and booking, please see the congress website:

You can register your place here:

The Congress will be preceded by the annual Intervoice Day, organised by The Board, on Thursday 3 November. See Book Now for Intervoice Day 2022 (Online – 3 November)

Congress Invitation, from the organisers

You are invited to be a part of the 13° World Hearing Voices Congress, happening on November 4th and 5th 2022, in Porto Alegre/RS Brazil. Please fell welcomed to join both the event in its scheduled actions and the numerous pre-event activities.

This Congress is a unique opportunity for each individual to express your own lived experience and your knowledge, whether its lived or theoretical expertise with voice hearing, in an environment of respect, openness and listening.

Hearing voices is a common human experience. Many voice hearers have found a way to live with their voices. Nonetheless, some people have had many troubles and issues with the voices they hear.

Voice Hearers come from a long history of stigma, pathologization, exclusion and human rights violations.

The Worldwide Voice Hearers Movement aims to help those who hear voices to find a way of living with their voices and to emancipate the experiences of voice hearing.

The Institution invites every one of you to get together at the 13th World Hearing Voices Congress, to learn with each other, about voices, emancipations and human rights!



Potentializing the partnerships between professionals, voice hearers, families and community. Helping to develop a broader conscience, objectivity and a much more productive relationship between the voices, the hearer and the professionals.


Offer a neutral but strong attitude in working with voices. Acceptance is the central point of the approach. This method does not focus on voices as a symptom of an “illness” nor does it focus on finding out what is “wrong” with the person.


Raise awareness of professionals and health workers about the importance of building new strategies for approaching people who hear voices, together with the voice hearers and their families.

International Speakers

  • Marius Romme (Netherlands)
  • Caroline Mazel-Carlton (USA)
  • Kellie Stastny (Australia)

Important Dates


  • From July 18th 2022: Congress registration starts;
  • To September 26th 2022: Deadline for registration and payment of authors with approved papers;
  • October 30th 2022: Registration deadline for event participation.


  • July 26th 2022: Start of registration and papers submissions;
  • September 14th 2022: Closing of papers submissions;
  • Until October 05th 2022: Disclosure of papers evaluations;
  • Until October 25th 2022: Publication of the electronic program with the approved papers.


  • November 1st 2022, 9 am – noon: Documentaries about voice hearing at Capitólio cinematheque;
  • November 1st 2022, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm: Conversations circle about hearing voices and the upcoming income generation at Geração/POA Oficina Saúde e Trabalho (POA generation health and work workshop);
  • November 2nd 2022: Voice Hearers Exhibitions at the Porto Alegre’s parks;
  • November 03rd 2022: 5:30 pm to 6:30pm: Boat ride along Orla do Guaíba.

The congress

  • November 4th and 05th 2022: Main congress activities;
  • November 05th 2022, 7:30pm to midnight: Farewell party and get together.

Intervoice was set up to support the International Hearing Voices Movement, celebrating the diversity and creativity within it. We do what we can to share information and connect people with groups, networks and resources.

World Hearing Voices Day Postcard