Connecting People and Ideas in the Hearing Voices Movement

Working to Recovery presents:

Talking With Voices: An Exploration of Voice Dialogues

Hebden Bridge, West Yorkshire – 1st to 4th October 2012

Many people who hear challenging voices have found that a turning point in coping with the experiences is finding different ways of talking with and understanding them. Exploring the voice’s motives and discovering different ways of relating to them can help change the relationship between the voice-hearer and their voices.

This four day course looks at theory and practice of working with and talking to voices, using the techniques developed by pioneers Ron Coleman and Marius Romme and further developed by Rufus May and Dirk Corstens.

The course enables practitioners’ and voice hearers to understand the theory behind both techniques and the ability and confidence to use these new ways of working within their own recovery or practice. Dirk Corstens and Ron Coleman will be providing a clinic for voice hearers attending the course.

We would encourage workers to attend with a voice hearer that they are already working with. This means they can carry on the work after the course is finished and we offer online supervision. A special joint cost for a worker & voice hearer attending this course together is provided.

More information from:

Working to Recovery is also looking a London host for a one day workshop with Will Hall & Oryx Cohen for week beginning 24th September on Peer support, it’s a great workshop please contact [email protected] for further details

Intervoice was set up to support the International Hearing Voices Movement, celebrating the diversity and creativity within it. We do what we can to share information and connect people with groups, networks and resources.

World Hearing Voices Day Postcard