Whilst our congress will be hosted by the French REV Network in October 2016, the 2017 congress will be going to america.
Hearing Voices USA, who are hosting the 2017 congress, would like members of the Hearing Voices Movement to share their ideas for this exciting event through their online survey.
If you’re interested in coming to the congress, or have been to a congress in the past and have some thoughts to share, please go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/HVcongress2017 to fill in their survey.
HVN USA have also set up a Giving Tuesday page to collect donations to support their efforts to develop a national network and to host the congress. If you’re interested in supporting them, please check it out (and share!).
See: https://givingtuesday.razoo.com/story/Hearing-Voices-Usa
We’re looking forward to seeing you in Paris in 2016 and then the USA in 2017.