The 2011 World Hearing Voices Congress looks set to be one of the best yet, with a great range of thought provoking topics and inspirational speakers.
The event runs from 1st – 3rd September in Savona, Italy, and there is still time to book your place.
For more information on hotels, hostel & travel options: [email protected], +39 019 807494 (Mon, Wed, Thur from 10 – 12, Marisa Ghersi)
For more information on the Congress programme: [email protected], +39 335 1362180 (Marcello Macario)
Intervoice Meeting – Thursday September 1st 2011 (Savona, Italy)
Morning (915 – 13h)
Greece: Lykourgos, Marianne
USA: Gail & Will & Jacqui
France: Yann
Canada: Birgitte
Sweden: Ami
Italy: Allessandra & Marcello
Special Projects:
Rachel: Prison Project, London
Ros: Voices at Work, Perth
Afternoon (1430-1730h)
Open Space
Dirk: Intervoice Board
Congress – Friday 2nd September
8.00-9.00 – Registration
9.00-9.30 – Welcome Addresses (plenary session)
- Isabella Sorgini (Municipality of Savona)
- Antonio Maria Ferro (Mental Health and Susbstance Abuse Department, Local Health Authority of Savona)
- Luigi Ferrannini (Italian Society of Psychiatry)
9.30-10.30 – Stories Of Recovery (plenary session)
- Rina van der Voorde (Holland)
- Kate Crawford (England)
- Kelly Bayley (Australia)
- Marina Lykovounioti (Greece)
11.00-13.00 Recovery Factors (plenary session)
CHAIRPERSONS: Cristina Contini (Italy) and Marius Romme (Holland)
- Recovery factors; or what helps and what doesn’t – Gail Hornstein (USA)
- Emancipatory pride as crucial factor in the recovery process – Cristiano Castelfranchi (Italy)
- Freedom as participation: an user led research on the recovery of voice hearers – Raffaella Pocobello & al (Austria and Italy)
- Debate
13.00-14.30 Lunch
Live music with Olga Runciman & Michael Rassum (Denmark) – The voices of me
14.30-16.30 Paths To Recovery (parallel workshops)
Exploring the relationship between voices and the life history
- Dirk Corstens (Holland) – Eighty constructs, what do they tell?
- Jacqui Dillon & Eleanor Longden (England) – Trauma, dissociation and voices
- Marius Romme (Holland) & Pino Pini (Italy) – Presentation of the italian edition of ”Making Sense of Voices” and “Living with voices”
Support during psychotic episodes
- John Watkins (Australia) – Unshrinking psychosis: understanding and healing the wounded soul
- Will Hall & Oryx Cohen (USA) – Coming off medication: an harm reduction approach
- Sandra Escher (Holland) – Children who hear voices
Coping strategies
- Cristina Contini & Franca Errani (Italy) – Beyond coping: the dialogue with the voices
- Samuel Ruggiero & Elisabetta Berta (Italy) – Relaxation techniques and yoga for voice hearers
- Rufus May (England), Alessandra Santoni & Marcello Macario (Italy) – Talk with aggressive voices
- Ros Thomas & Gateway Community Health (Australia) – Working with young people who hear voices: early intervention in the community
17.00-18.00 – Paths To Recovery (plenary session)
CHAIRPERSONS: Cristina Contini (Italy) and Marius Romme (Holland)
Debate with the coordinators of the workshops
Saturday 3rd September
8.00-9.00 – Registration
9.00-9.30 – Welcome Addresses (plenary session)
- Lorena Rambaudi (Liguria Region)
- Giuseppe Tibaldi (Italian Society of Psychiatric Epidemiology)
- Giovanni Durante (ARCI Savona)
- Roberto Romani (Foundation “Agostino De Mari”)
9.30-10.30 – Stories Of Recovery (plenary session)
- Elisabeth Svanholmer (Denmark)
- Catherine McGroggan (Ireland)
- Glenda Piona (Italy)
11.00-13.00 – Epidemiological Research, Medication & Coping Strategies (plenary session)
CHAIRPERSONS: Ron Coleman (Scozia) and Marcello Macario (Italia)
- Epidemiological research on voices – Eleanor Longden (England)
- Using medications wisely and coming off medication – John Watkins (Australia)
- Emergency strategies to cope with the voices – Cristina Contini (Italy)
- Debate
13.00-14.30 – Lunch
Live music with Olga Runciman & Michael Rassum (Denmark) – The voices of me
14.30-16.30 – Paths To Recovery (parallel workshops)
Recovery process
- Karen Taylor (Scotland) – Recovery of professionals
- Ron Coleman (Scotland) – Recovery of voice hearers
- Italian family members (Italy) – Recovery of family members
- Irene van de Giessen & Suzanne Engelen (Holland) – Recovery factors from the voice hearer perspective
- Ros Bowyer (Australia) – Voices at work: a programme to support voice hearers in getting a job
Hearing voices groups: between freedom and structure
- Rachel Waddingham (England) – Working creatively: developing hearing voices groups for young people
- Peter Bullimore (England) – Starting a paranoia self help group and understanding the experience
- HV groups from Milan, Imola and Reggio Emilia (Italy) – Start up of an HV group: within/outside/close to the mental health services
Live!!! (film & theatre)
- Ken Rosenthal (USA) – Crooked Beauty ( the recovery journey of Jacks McNamara)
- “A cielo aperto” Association (Italy) – Live theater with voices
17.00-18.00 Paths To Recovery (plenary session)
CHIRPERSONS: Ron Coleman (Scozia) e Marcello Macario (Italia)
Debate with the coordinators of the workshops
Additional Information
Languages of the Congress are English and Italian (with simultaneous translation of plenary sessions and of some workshops).
To register it is necessary to complete the online “Registration form” at and to pay the following participation fees:
- Healthcare of Social Services Professionals: 140 EURO
- Voice Hearers, Service Users, Family Members, Volunteers, Students etc.: 70 EURO
NB: participation fee includes lunches and coffee breaks in the campus dining hall
Participation fee must be paid by bank transfer to:
ARCIMEDIA COOP SOC – ONLUS, via Giacchero 22, 17100 Savona
Bank name: Cassa di Risparmio di Savona, branch Porto
IBAN: IT46A0631010601000001001280 – BIC: CRSVIT2S101 – CIN: A Specify: “Participation to INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS Mr/Mrs/Ms ………”